

每週一妥拉 2012/11/25-12/1





創世記32:3. 『雅各打發人(使者)先往西珥地去,就是以東地,見他哥哥以掃。』


創世記32:9-10. 『雅各說:耶和華─我祖亞伯拉罕的神,我父親以撒的神啊,你曾對我說:回你本地本族去,我要厚待你。你向僕人所施的一切慈愛和誠實,我一點也不配得;我先前只拿著我的杖過這約但河,如今我卻成了兩隊了。』



創世記32:24, 28. 『只剩下雅各一人。有一個人來和他摔跤,直到黎明。那人(他)說:你的名不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列;因為你與神與人較力,都得了勝。』



創世記33:18-19. 『雅各從巴旦亞蘭回來的時候,平平安安地到了迦南地的示劍城,在城東支搭帳棚,就用一百塊銀子向示劍的父親、哈抹的子孫買了支帳棚的那塊地。』 誠如我們幾週前曾提到,以色列族長與大衛買的那些地正是今日激烈屬靈爭奪的中心,從下一章底拿被玷污與緊接著的血腥大屠殺,還有士師記九章可怕的事件,再到羅波安王決定『用蠍子』管教他的民(王上12:14),一直到何西阿的日子(何西阿書6:9『強盜成群,怎樣埋伏殺人,祭司結黨,也照樣在示劍的路上殺戮,行了邪惡』),示劍(現在稱那不勒斯Nablus)一直與暴力有關,如今它仍是恐怖主義對抗以色列的溫床。



創世記33:20. 『在那裡築了一座壇,起名叫伊利伊羅伊以色列【就是神、以色列神的意思】。』我們發現神的許多名字出現在迦南地,包括伊勒伊約(El Elyon至高神)、伊勒沙代(El Shaddai全能神)、伊勒羅以(El Roi看顧我的神)與亞伯拉罕的神(Elohei-Avraham)。但伊羅伊以色列(Elohei-Yisrael)─以色列的神這名字是後來最常用到的名。神充滿主權地使用祂自己的名字與以色列(雅各)和他的後裔認同,祂是以色列的神,穆斯林則認同他們的神是以實瑪利的神。


創世記35:2, 5. 『雅各就對他家中的人並一切與他同在的人說:你們要除掉你們中間的外邦神,也要自潔,更換衣裳。他們便起行前往。神使那周圍城邑的人都甚驚懼,就不追趕雅各的眾子了。』



創世記36:12.『亭納是以掃兒子以利法的妾;他給以利法生了亞瑪力。這是以掃的妻子亞大的子孫。』36章談論到以掃的族譜,他是『以東人的始祖』,此種族主要由亞瑪力人的子孫所組成。正如先前所提到的,在聖經中亞瑪力人的特點是對神立約的子民充滿仇恨的靈,其正是反閃主義的根。在以色列出紅海後,第一個攻擊她的就是『亞瑪力人』(出埃及記17:8),其是神誓言持續爭戰,直到他的名號從天下全然塗抹了(17:14);亦是亞瑪力人趁以色列疲乏困倦擊殺他們落後軟弱的人(申命記25:17-18)。當掃羅不肯順服神的命令而放了亞瑪力王亞甲(撒母耳記上15:9),他受到撒母耳嚴厲譴責,因而失去王位,根據回報,掃羅最後是被亞瑪力人所殺(撒母耳記下1:8, 13)。在以斯帖記中,我們看見亞甲族哈曼提議大屠殺波斯國所有的猶太人,他正是亞瑪力人的子孫。

這週先知書的閱讀進度是俄巴底亞書,內容是對以東殘忍的審判預言,『因你向兄弟雅各行強暴』(10節)。神不願一人沈淪,但祂會永遠與反對祂與雅各/以色列之約的人對立,因為神的約是所有人類的生命之約。祂不能容讓四分之一的人滅亡,因為祂是生命的主(Elohim Haim)!因著伊斯蘭宣稱他的神揀選以實瑪利,因此就選擇了另一種約,不同於神藉由以撒而來的生命之約,在伊斯蘭宗教背後的靈顯示出仇恨神的約,使得所有穆斯林進入生命之神審判下的綑綁。神一直恨惡在以掃/以東/亞瑪力人背後的力量 (瑪垃基書1:3; 俄巴底亞書1:2, 18: 申命記25:19; 出埃及記17:14-16),但祂卻愛在其中被擄掠的人,祂對那些會離開那樣黑暗的人提供生命、盼望與未來。


馬汀和娜瑪‧賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis)



From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parasha) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel. All texts are those of English translations of the Scriptures.

The readings for this week 25 November-1 December are called VaYishlach-"And [Jacob] Sent"

TORAH: Genesis 32:3-36:43

HAFTARAH : Obadiah 1:1-21

*Genesis 32:3. "Then Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother in the land of Seir, the country of Edom." The word translated "messengers" is the same as that translated "angels" two verses earlier. Angels is an English word used to designate "heavenly" messengers; these are messengers of Jacob.

*Genesis 32:9-10. "O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, the LORD [YHVH].I am not worthy of the least of all the lovingkindnesses and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies." As we have often mentioned, "Lovingkindness and Truth" (Hebrew: chesid and emet) form a pairing of divine attributes and blessings which appear many times throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. A Modern Hebrew translation of John 1:17 reads (English paraphrase), "For the Torah was given through Moshe, chesid and emet [lovingkindness and truth] came through Yeshua the Messiah."

Please pray for discovery, revelation and understanding among the Jewish people of the presence of Yeshua (Jesus) throughout their holy writings (Luke 24:44-45)-a recognition that He was Himself present with the Patriarchs and throughout all of the history of the Hebrews! Nor will He ever leave them nor forsake them (I Corinthians 10:1-4; Hebrews 13:5).

*Genesis 32:24, 28. "Then Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of day.So he said to him, 'What is your name?' He said, 'Jacob' And he said, 'Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.'" There are no upper/lower cases in Hebrew, so "man" and "he" are not capitalized as they appear in many Christian Bibles. This Genesis passage says that Jacob struggled with a "man" (Heb: ish). The Hosea passage printed below calls the being an "angel" (mal'akh). But remember, mal'akh means "messenger" and need not always refer to a created heavenly being. Since verse 24 can be interpreted to mean that this particular struggle took place with God (Elohim), the Church has traditionally held that Jacob was here struggling with a pre-incarnate form of the God-Man Yeshua (Jesus)-a Messenger from the Father. "Israel" here means "He struggles with God"-while "Jacob" is related to struggle with man. The names are used interchangeably throughout the rest of the Hebrew Bible-and Israel and his seed have continued to struggle, both with God and man. Yet when Jacob was allowed to "prevail with God" it was not on behalf of his old desires, but for the favor of sanctification which would change what he could not change himself. In using this incident as an aid to prayer for Israel today, we would encourage you to use the following related passage from Hosea 12:3-6: "He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and in his strength he struggled with God. Yes, he struggled with the angel and prevailed; He wept, and sought favor from him. He found him in Bethel, and there He spoke to us-that is, the LORD God of armies. YHVH is His memorable name. So you, by the help of your God, return; observe mercy and justice, and wait on your God continually."

*Genesis 33:18-19. "And Jacob came safely (Hebrew: "whole") to the city of Shechem.and he pitched his tent before the city. And he bought the parcel of land, where he had pitched his tent, from the children of Hamor, Shechem's father, for one hundred pieces of money." As we mentioned a few weeks ago, those places where the Patriarchs and David purchased land tend to be centers of fierce spiritual contention to this day. From the rape of Dinah in the following chapter and the bloody massacre which follows, through the dreadful events of Judges 9, to King Rehoboam's decision there to discipline his subjects "with scorpions" (I Kings 12:14 NASB), to the days of Hosea (Hosea 6:9: "As bands of robbers lie in wait for a man, so the company of priests murder on the way to Shechem; surely they commit lewdness"), the city of Shechem (modern-day Nablus) has long been associated with violence. In very recent years it has been a hot-bed for terrorism against Israel. Yet it is also the first place where Abraham is recorded as having stopped after arriving in Canaan (Genesis 12:6). The LORD (YHVH) appeared to him there and promised the land to his seed, "and there he built an altar to the LORD, who had appeared to him." It would be the location where Joseph's bones would be brought and buried (Joshua 24:32); and where Yeshua Himself would have a meeting with a woman at a well Jacob had dug there (John 4). Presently it is a Palestinian city (Nablus) with several Jewish settlements nearby. In the early days of the 2nd Intifada, Jews were driven out of the site of Joseph's Tomb, which was desecrated and burned. Almost certainly this city and the settlements will be a big issue in any proposed peace settlement in the future.

PLEASE PRAY: That the power of violence be broken over Shechem/Nablus-and its inhabitants brought into the Kingdom of the Prince of Peace. Pray that the altars of Abraham and Jacob to the LORD be restored there-and that the wells of living water that Yeshua spoke of there would spring up to Arab and Jew alike. Psalm 60:6 and 108:7 prophecy "God has spoken in His holiness; 'I will exult, I will portion out Shechem . . .'".

*Genesis 33:20. "Then he erected an altar there and called it El Elohei Yisrael." We have found many names of God revealed thus far in Canaan-El Elyon (God Most High), El Shaddai (God Almighty), El Roi (The God who Sees), Elohei-Avraham (the Abraham-God). But this name.Elohei-Yisrael, the "Israel-God" is the one which will be used most hereafter. God Himself has chosen sovereignly to identify His name with Israel (Jacob) and his descendants. Muslims identify their deity with Ishmael, thus cutting themselves off from the Covenant which the Most High God made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). He is the LORD (YHVH) God of Israel, and it is to Him that all of us, whatever our lineage must come.

PLEASE PRAY: grace for revelation and humility among both Jews and Muslims in Israel to bow to the one true God, who has Himself chosen to be identified with Israel (Jacob) and his seed.

*Genesis 35:2,5. "And Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him, 'Put away the foreign gods that are among you, purify yourselves, and change your garments.And they journeyed, and the terror of God was upon the cities that were all around them, and they did not pursue the sons of Jacob."

Jacob came "in wholeness"-a new man with a new name, to Shechem (see Gen. 13:18-19 above).but his "house" was not whole.there were hidden gods smuggled from Aram (perhaps brought originally by Abram's father from Ur?), and obviously various other gods used as jewelry. The presence of these idols had caused a great breach in the protection of the family, occasioning violation (Dina), cruel and senseless violence (Shimon and Levi) and perhaps even eventually resulting in death (Rachel). For the "Family" of Israel to be made "whole"-for the family's armor to be made sound, all of this had to be dealt with. Only God had been a shield for Abraham in this spiritually dark and violent land (Genesis 15:1)-and only the same God would be protection for Israel and his seed. The same holds true today.

PLEASE PRAY: For the conviction of the Holy Spirit in Israel to turn from idols and turn to the Living God for cleansing and clothing in righteousness. Pray especially for holiness in leadership in the Body of Messiah here-Clothed in that, the Terror of God will cause darkness to flee as they advance through the Land!

*Genesis 36:12. "Now Timna was the concubine of Eliphaz, Esau's son, and she bore Amalek to Eliphaz. These were the sons of Adah, Esau's wife." Chapter 36 is dedicated to the genealogy of Esau, "father of the Edomites" (vs. 9). Central in that race would be the descendants of Amalek. As has been mentioned, Amalek in Scripture typifies a Covenant-hating spirit which is the root of anti-Semitism. It would be "Amalek" who would first attack Israel after she came forth out of the Red Sea (Exodus 17:8), and against whom God would swear continual war until he was blotted out from under heaven (17:14); it would be Amalek who would pick off stragglers in Israel's rear when they were tired and weary (Deuteronomy 25:17-18). When Saul refused to follow God's commandment and spared the Amalekite Agag (I Samuel 15:9), he would be severely rebuked by Samuel, lose his Kingship, and eventually according to one report, be killed by an Amalekite (II Samuel I:8, 13). And in the book of Esther, we see that the architect of a proposed Holocaust of the Jews in the Persian kingdom was Haman, the Agagite, a descendant of Amalek.

The Haftarah reading for this week is the Book of Obadiah.a grim prophecy of judgment on Edom, "for violence against your brother Jacob." God is not willing that any should perish. But He stands forever against that which opposes his covenant with Jacob/Israel-because that Covenant is ultimately a covenant of life for all Humankind. He cannot grant quarter to death, because he is Elohim Haim-the Life God! Because Islam claims that its god chose Ishmael (thereby choosing for itself a different covenant than the Life-Covenant which God gave through Isaac), the spirit behind that religion proves itself a Covenant-hating spirit, bringing all in its bondage under the judgment of the God of Life. God forever hates the power behind Esau/Edom/Amalek (Malachi 1:3; Obadiah 1:2, 18: Deuteronomy 25:19; Exodus 17:14-16).but He loves those captured within that system; to those who will come out of that darkness, He offers life, hope and a future.

Martin & Norma Sarvis


[The Torah and Haftarah portions for next week (2-8 December: VaYeshev-"and [Jacob] dwelt") will be: TORAH: Genesis 37:1-40:23; HAFTARAH: Amos 2:6-3:8]


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