

每週一妥拉 2012/10/21-10/27


這週的閱讀(10/21-10/27)稱為『你要離開』(Lech Lecha):

妥拉: 創世記 12:1-17:27
先知書: 以賽亞書40:27-41:16




*創世記12:2a.『我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你。』在希伯來文『國』通常指非猶太人(goy);『大國』則指的是『廣大的非猶太人』(goy gadol),在現代希伯來文俚語中常用到『國』這個字,代表非猶太人的個人或族群/外邦人。聖經大部分使用『國』來提到列國而非以色列;然而,在這裡神是對一個人說話,將他從列國中帶出來,他的子孫會成為大國,並使全地蒙福。值得注意的是,『全地』的希伯來文是adamah─泥土(亞當(adam)─人類即是由塵土受造)。神當時就看亞伯拉罕的後裔如同一個國家,如今也是如此,神將透過他們祝福臨到祂所創造的全人類。

*創世記12:2. 『我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你,叫你的名為大;你也要叫別人得福。』最後幾個字在希伯來文中是以清楚的命令式出現。神並不是在說亞伯拉罕的後裔『將會』成為祝福,祂乃是命令其後裔『成為』亞當後裔的祝福,彌賽亞會藉由此後裔而來。然而,神聖的命令從未被廢止,神對亞伯拉罕後裔的工作持續反映出祂對所有人類的工作。因此對一切有眼可看、有耳可聽之人,以色列會持續『成為祝福』。當以色列認出並接受她的彌賽亞,回到她的完全與豐滿時,她的被收納會使萬國『死而復生』(羅11:15)。



示劍似乎是一個可以安頓下來的好地方,但下一節經文亞伯拉罕就遷到伯特利。『遷移』這個字也有『轉移』之意(文學家奧爾特(Robert Alter)則將其翻譯成『將木樁拔起來,代表遷移、離開』)。正如我們在最近的住棚節所看見的,神造萬物,各按其時成為美好(傳道書3:11)。但當我們待在某地的季節已過,我們卻堅持要待在那邊,神就沒有義務使其成為美好。亞伯蘭採取行動遷移,在伯特利有更大的祝福等著他,一個他會一再返回之地,他的孫子雅各也回到那裡,發現天開了,天使仍在那裡上上下下。


亞伯拉罕殺敗了基大老瑪王,而這王自己則殺敗了利乏音人、蘇西人、以米人與何利人。奇妙的是在五百年之後發現在申命記2:10, 12, 20, 22; 3:11記載著這些人的後裔,他們的高度與殘酷名聲把四十年前十二位探子裡的十個嚇得魂飛喪膽,就在那世代的兒女要進入迦南以前,卻很快將這些敵人殺敗。或許約書亞與迦勒被教導著,他們祖父亞伯拉罕的神如何讓他輕鬆勝過制伏這些可怕巨人的王。

*創世記14:18-19.『又有撒冷王麥基洗德帶著餅和酒出來迎接;他是至高神(El Elyon)的祭司。他為亞伯蘭祝福,說:願天地的主、至高的神賜福與亞伯蘭!』正如英文的神God來自古盎格魯撒克遜人對神的表達,迦南人對神稱為el,他們拜許多神(elelim)。一當亞伯蘭進入迦南之後,在吾珥與示劍向他顯現的那位開始顯出祂的本質,清楚表明這位神『El』何等不同於所有其他充滿在那地的眾神『el's』。這些屬性反映出亞伯拉罕與他子孫開始用來稱為神的名字:El Elyon是至高神;El Roi是看顧人的神(16:13);El Shaddai是全能的神 (17:1)。到了22節,亞伯蘭意識到向他顯現的神就是在吾珥與示劍的神(12:1; 12:7-8),而這位至高神El Elyon亦是同一位神:『我已經向天地的主─至高的神耶和華起誓』(14:22)

*創世記15:6. 『亞伯蘭信耶和華,耶和華就以此為他的義。』

*創世記16:4b-5a. 『夏甲見自己有孕,就小看他的主母。撒萊對亞伯蘭說:我因你受屈。』我們必須瞭解夏甲行為上所反映出的掙扎與撒萊的回應,其強度遠超過這兩個女人所能察覺,這絕不是單純的家務事而已(雖然對她們而言看起來是如此),一場宇宙間的戰役正在神的盟約上激烈進行著,不單是為著亞伯拉罕的後裔,更牽動著全人類!當撒萊失控地對亞伯蘭說她因他『受屈』,她所使用的字是哈馬斯hamas─聖經中常用來形容『殘忍的暴力』(創世記49:5; 詩篇 25:19; 27:12)。仇敵正試圖改變神定意由撒萊子宮而來的盟約(創世記17:21),此盟約─殘忍暴力而來的仇恨力量試圖撕裂她,相同的戰役仍在激烈進行著!在伊斯蘭教裡教導神的盟約是透過以實瑪利而來,而非以撒。在此虛假背後的力量厭惡生命與賜生命的神,並掌管那些目前在哈馬斯管轄下的人。




From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel. All texts are those of English translations of the Scriptures.

The readings for this week are called Lech Lecha ("Go you forth"):
TORAH: Genesis 12:1-17:27
HAFTARAH : Isaiah 40:27-41:16

This week's portion hearkens back to the call of Abram in Ur (Genesis 12:1-3; Acts 7:2) and ends with the promise of Isaac and with Abram with his household entering into the Covenant of Circumcision. In the course of these chapters he will travel from Ur and Haran (12:4) to Canaan, passing through the land to Shechem, Bethel, the Negev (dry southland), Egypt, back to the Negev, back to Bethel, walking the land "northward, southward, eastward, and westward (13:14), Hebron, to war north of Damascus, back to Hebron. We cannot hope here to discuss all that takes place in the course of these travels; but ask the LORD to attend you as you travel with the Father of our Faith, "'Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the quarry from which you were dug. Look to Abraham your father and to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain; When he was but one I called him, then I blessed him and multiplied him.' Indeed, the LORD will comfort Zion; He will comfort all her waste places." (Isaiah 51:1-3a).

Bedouin tent and camels in the desert near the site of ancient Be'er Sheva.

"So Abram journeyed, going on still towards the Negev."(Genesis 12:9)

*Genesis 12:2a. "I will make you a great nation.and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Hebrew for "nation" is goy; "great nation" is goy gadol. In Modern Hebrew slang, goy and goyim (plural) are often used in reference to individuals or peoples who are non-Jews/Gentiles. Scripture itself most often uses goyim to refer to nations other than Israel. However, here God is speaking to an individual human being drawn from one of the nations, who in his descendants would become a great nation in which families throughout the earth would be blessed. It may be significant that "earth" here is adamah-soil (from which adam-human beings were formed). God saw and continues to see this people as an individual nation before him of the seed of Abraham.and his blessing through them is on behalf of all humankind.

*Genesis 12:2. "I will make a great nation of you and will give-you-blessing and will make your name great. Be a blessing! (Everett Fox translation; emphases ours). In the Hebrew the last three words are clearly a command/imperative form. God isn't saying here that Abraham and his seed "will be" a blessing; rather, he is speaking a command into that seed, "BE!" Indeed, a blessing to all the children of Adam through that seed would be released in the coming of Messiah. But this holy command has never been annulled. The workings of God for all humankind continue to be mirrored in his workings in this People. As such, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, she continues to "Be a Blessing". And as Israel returns to her fullness through recognizing and receiving her Messiah, her acceptance will be "life from the dead"! (Romans 11:15).

*Genesis 12:7-8. "Then YHVH (The LORD) appeared to Abram and said, 'To your seed I will give this land.' And there he built an altar to YHVH, who had appeared to him. And he moved/shifted from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tent.where he built an altar to YHVH and called on the name of YHVH." Wonderful things happened in Shechem (modern-day Nablus). The God of Glory had appeared to Abram while still in Ur (Acts 7:2). Now after a long and arduous journey, he appeared again! Look at the Scripture again.Shechem certainly appeared to be:

A legitimate destination of God's leading.
A place of God's revealed Presence
A place of the releasing of God's prophetic Word
A place of established worship to "the One who reveals Himself"

It seemed the ideal place to settle down.Yet one verse later Abraham moves to Bethel. The word translated "moved" also means to "take a shift" (Robert Alter translates it "pulled up his stakes"). As we saw during the recent Sukkot festival, God "makes everything beautiful in its time or season (Ecclesiastes 3:11).but he is under no obligation to beautify if the season for our being a certain place has passed and we insist on staying there. Abram took his "shift" and a much greater blessing awaited him at Bethel, a place he would return to time and time again.and to which his grandson Jacob would return to find an open heavens with the angels still ascending and descending.

*Genesis 14:5. "In the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him came and attacked the Rephaim in Ashteroth Karnaim, the Zuzim in Ham, the Emim in Shaveh Kiriathaim, and the Horites in their mountain of seir, as far as El Paran, which is by the wilderness.And the king of Sodom went out to meet him [i.e. Abraham] after his striking down Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him.". Abraham pursued and struck down this king who himself had struck down the Rephaim, Zuzim, Emim, and the Horites. It is fascinating to discover how almost 500 years later in Deuteronomy 2:10, 12, 20, 22; 3:11, descendants of each of these peoples, whose height and cruel renown had paralyzed with fear ten of the twelve spies 40 years before, are dispatched quickly by the children of that generation before their advancement into Canaan. Perhaps Joshua and Caleb had been taught how the God of their father Abraham had easily given him victory over a king who had subdued all of these feared peoples.

*Genesis 14:19. "Then Melchizedek king of Shalem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of El Elyon (God Most-High). Just as English god comes from an old Anglo-Saxon expression for deity, the Canaanites word for god was el, and they had many elelim. Soon after Abram entered Canaan, the One who had appeared to him in Ur and Shechem began to reveal aspects of His nature which made clear how this "El" differed from all the other "el's" crowding the land. These attributes are reflected in a number of descriptive names which began to be used by Abraham and his descendants.El Elyon is the El (or God) who is "most High"-El Roii (16:13) is El who "Sees"-El Shaddai (17:1) is El who is "Almighty and sustains all life". By verse 22, Abram realizes that the God who had appeared to him as YHVH in Ur and Shechem (12:1; 12:7-8) and this El Elyon are One and the same, "I raise my hand to YHVH El Elyon, the possessor of Heaven and earth."

*Genesis 15:6. "And he believed in YHVH, and He accounted it to him for righteousness."

*Genesis 16:4b-5a. "And when she [Hagar] saw that she had conceived, her mistress [Sarai] became despised in her eyes. Then Sarai said to Abram, 'May the wrong done me be upon you!"

We must realize that the struggle reflected in Hagar's actions and Sarai's response is something of a far greater magnitude than anything of which either of these women could have been aware. Far from being merely a domestic squabble (although, so it may have seemed to them), a cosmic spiritual battle was raging over God's covenant on behalf not only of Abraham's descendants but of the whole Human Race! When Sarai speaks wildly to Abram of the "wrong" being done her, she uses the word hamas-a word used other places in the Hebrew Bible for "cruel violence" (Genesis 49:5; Psalm 25:19; 27:12). A great Enemy was seeking to divert the line of Covenant which God had determined to come through Sarai's womb (Genesis 17:21); this covenant-hating Power of "cruel violence" was trying to tear her apart. This same battle is still raging! The Muslim religion teaches that a divine Covenant went through Ishmael, not Isaac. The power behind this falsehood hates Life, and the God of Life, and rules those presently under its dominion with hamas. PLEASE PRAY: That Muslims will be freed from a power of cruel violence which has sought to keep them outside the covenant of God Most High. Pray for dreams and visions.for a powerful working of the Holy Spirit of God who sheds abroad in hearts the Love that the Father has for them. Pray that perfect love from the Most High God will be discovered to come through knowledge of Jesus.and that that perfect Love will cast out fear.

*Isaiah 41:8-13. "But you, Israel, My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, Descendant of Abraham My beloved.You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its remotest parts and said to you, 'You are My servant, I have chosen you and not rejected you. Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you7, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored; Those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish. You will seek those who quarrel with you, but will not find them, those who war with you will be as nothing and non-existent. For I am the YHVH your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'"

Martin & Norma Sarvis

[The readings for next week (28 October-November 3) will be called VaYera-Was Seen. TORAH: Genesis 18:1-22:24; HAFTARAH: II Kings 4:1-37]

作者:Asher Intrater


正如我們與 神。沒有祂的創造力,我們啥也不值。它需要些謙卑才可理解。在祂愛中,祂在我們身上見到潛力,祂可以在我們的生命中建造美好和有價值的東西。那需要信心。我們必須要相信祂,且讓祂在我們身上做祂的工。

馬太福音 6:26 - 你們不比飛鳥貴重得多麼?
馬太福音 10:31 - 你們比許多麻雀還貴重。
馬太福音 12:12 - 人比羊何等貴重呢!

若我們我行我素的話,我們可能只是一堆垃圾。但若有 神的恩典在我們的生命中,我們成為他精湛工藝的傑作(以弗所 2:10),只比 神自己微小一點(詩 8:4-6)。許多心理問題源於缺乏自我價值。在耶穌裡,我們得以在生命中重新恢復 神的形象,自我價值的問題因而消聲匿跡。

日本,中國,韓國:70 年和罪孽滿盈(創15:16
作者:Ariel Blumenthal

上週,在耶路撒冷的住棚節期劃下一歷史性事件:由中國大陸基督徒和以色列彌賽亞猶太信徒共同帶領的第一次國際特會。許多當地的以色列領袖(包括猶太人和阿拉伯人)以及來自韓國和日本的領袖參與。三天生動的敬拜,代禱,和聯誼, 在最後一晚領聖餐後為合好洗腳的服事下落幕。在這段時間裡,我分享了神去年 3月在日本福島縣磐城市(Iwaki, Fukushima)所給的異象 —— 正是地震/海嘯核輻射危機的高峰時期 10天之後。

背景:對非亞洲人而言,很難領會戰時經歷仍然玷汙著中國,日本,南北韓間關係的程度。日本對韓國人和中國人的戰時罪行的真實程度(可感受到的)仍歷歷在目的存在這些民族的集體記憶中。深切的創傷,缺乏悔改,不願饒恕,嫉妒和國家/民族自尊的每一層面都從上半 20 世紀殘留下來。(這與大屠殺的經歷仍然深深的影響著猶太/以色列人的世界觀和我們與某些國家的關係,尤其是德國,的深度相提並論)。

異象:在日本三重災難後,基督徒義工陸續的前往日本東北地區,志願提供協助(請點擊這裡( )。


1. 但以理 9:1-3 但以理在耶利米書中查覺耶路撒冷的毀壞和巴比倫的放逐是為期 70年。那時間正在迫近,以至於先知委身致力於禱告和禁食。

2. 出埃及記 20:5 第二條誡命禁止偶像崇拜,宣示了神是忌邪的神,凡恨我的、我必追討他的罪、自父及子、直到三四代。34代有幾年?古代以色列的人, 20歲時就早已成婚。因此,一代與下代之間約 20年,或最高 30年的時間, 乘以 3 4代也就是 70年左右。

3. 接下來,像一盞霓虹燈,我看到日期:1945 - 2015年,正好70年。

4. 最後,我聽到聖靈說,日本罪孽盈滿的時間快到了。

神在處理列國約 70 年左右的事上是有些特別的。由於國家或種族的罪孽長時間觸及眾多人的命運,神的公義要求當冒犯國要經歷幾世代的某種懲罰之際,受害國亦經歷一段時間的祝福。另一方面,祂的憐憫渴望赦免,抹去罪的記憶,甚至在原本戰爭世代仍在世時,給與列國重新起步,踏入嶄新世代的一個機會。

我向世界各地的領袖和代禱者提出這個異象,尤其是日本,韓國和中國。我相信,未來 3 年是神對處理這些國家和他們命定一個特別的時間窗口。最近的領土爭議證明了神讓這些舊傷浮現而有因應的處理。(請點擊這裡

為了再度引起爭戰,衝突,和毀壞與這些國家,敵人(撒旦)希望激起驕傲,仇恨,不饒恕。但神的心意是祂的子民像但以理一樣謙卑自己,尋求彼此間的和好與團結,並為彼此的政府禱告。我們相信,正如在耶穌第一次降臨時,從東方來的智者歸榮耀與祂的關鍵人物(馬太 2:1-12)。因此, 在末世,從東亞來的信徒在履行大使命,恢復以色列,以及最後耶穌再來上具有特殊角色(啟 7:1-3)。讓我們祈求神為這些國家的至高心意和命定在未來幾年中顯明,特別是已經觸動了韓國和中國的復興,至終會臨到日本。(我將定期的繼續在部落格上發表與亞洲有關的聖經和末世主題。如您欲閱灠,請點擊這裡

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