
CANDY56810105546734緬圖2.jpg  來自北緯10-40之窗的書信-緬甸Grace International Church




我們一切安好,現在正忙著建造CK宣教教會,並開始在其它地點開始建立兩間新的教會。En Khua Khai牧師和Thang Suan Kam牧師正在Shwepyitha成立家庭教會,我們教會正帶領他們並幫助他們起步。讚美神,有這許多人如此委身於福音。

Khua Khai牧師的新教會已命名為「基督國度福音教會」,Thang Suan Kam牧師的教會還沒有命名。

我也有機會走了一趟曼德勒(Mandalay),和Pum牧師碰面並且和其他建堂牧師約好在二月要去他們那裡進行兩天的訓練。Pum牧師搬到一個比較大的地方,他們大多數是年輕的弟兄和姐妹,領受了神對他們建立教會的呼召。所以我們需要很多的訓練, ISOM學校的訓練當然很好,但許多年輕的牧者想要在禱告、諮商方面有更緊密的團契,以便在靈命上有所增長。

緊接著在三月我們會去緬甸其他的區域,到欽邦(Chin State),會見來自其他教會的年輕牧者。我期待可以有1000人來參加,好讓我們從聖靈所領受的恩膏可以分賜給他們,尤其要讓他們知道我們國家的需要及傳福音的挑戰。我們需要更多認真投入的年輕牧者來建立教會,因為在緬甸有成千的村莊連一間教會都沒有,也從未聽過福音。最近我造訪(Shan State),會見一些教會牧長,也在他們教會講道,當我看著這些村莊的人既不認識耶穌,也不認識真神,但他們卻比都市居民來得善良,也更認真。所以我十分想念這些村莊,如果可以的話,我這個月底會再回去。



所以聽到聖靈這樣說,我告訴這些牧長們,我們絕不會要求這寡婦把她的地賣給我們,相反的,我們要把一塊3公尺x 10公尺的地給她,因為她比我們更需要更大一點的空間,她的地實在太小,當她認識耶穌,我們還會把我們整個建築物給她和社區裡的人。










From: Nung Khan Mang
Subject: Greetings from Myanmar

Dear Pastor Richard,
Greetings to Christ's Kingdom Ministries international,
Praise the LORD!!!
We are doing well. Little bit busy with building the CK-mission Church and starting two new churches in different location. Pastor En Khua Khai and Thang Suan Kam are starting home church in Shwepyithar. We, our church is leading them and helping to begin. Praise the LORD the strong commitment for the Gospel.
Pastor Khua Khai already have the name for his church " Christ's Kingdom Gospel Church". Pastor Thang Suan Kam didn't have the church name.
I also have the opportunity to travel to Mandalay and meet with Pastor Pum and other church planters that I am making appointment with them to go there in February for two days training with those church planters.
Pastor Pum moved to a new place which is bigger. Many of them are young man and women who have God's call on their lives for planting church. So we need a lot of trainings not only ISOM schools which is good but many young Pastors would like to have a close fellowship in prayer, in counseling and finding the ways and means to help them grow spiritually.
In the coming March, we will be going to some states and divisions in Myanmar until Chin State for meeting young leaders from different people groups and different churches. I expect to meet about 1000 young people so that we can impart something from the Holy Spirit, especially giving them awareness of the needs of our country and the challenge for the Gospel. We need more sincere leaders for the churches and to plan new churches where there are thousand of villages has not a church in Myanmar. Not even heard of the Gospel. Recently I visited to Shan State , and meet with some church leaders also preach in their church. When I look at those villages, people are without Jesus, not knowing true God however they are still good and sincere people than the people in the city. So I lost some of my heart in these villages. If possible I will go back the end of this month.

Just a short testimony

While we are building our mission church building, next to our mission property there’s a widow with three kids with small land which is 6 meter by 12 meters. Whoever visits our property always suggested that we should urge the widow and buy her land so that we will own all the property of that one site. In my heart I judge myself and my leaders “is it the land or the building that we are seeking here, are we not seeking people for showing them love and care, so that they can come to know Jesus Christ”. So that moment the Holy Spirit prompt me “ you may be like David who killed Uriah and take his wife while David has many wives but Uriah only one”. You have 1000 sheep and take the widow’s only one Lamb. Now where she dwell is the whole property she has her future is that’s all.

So in hearing the holy Spirit like that, I told my church leaders, “No we will never ask the widow to sale us her land rather we will give 3 meters by 10 meters to her because she needs more space than us. Her land site is too small. Even once she comes to Christ we would give our whole building to her and the people in our community.

While keeping all this in my mind, yesterday my younger brother told me “the widow asks us to help her connect electric power from our mission house, because she said “I couldn’t effort to buy for my own”. So hearing of this statement I cried to God, “God we must help her to get not only electric light but also electric Pump and water tank too. So in this way the LORD is teaching us not to love the world but the people. We cannot help all those poor or needy people but there are people whom God sent us as the divine opportunity so that Christ may be known (by the giver and the receiver) to them as well as we will know Christ better.

As our government is changed in many areas and welcome the Western countries we need to prepare these young people for the Gospel, otherwise they will turn away from the LORD into the world.
If our central office have the plan to visit China or Taiwan, please come in Myanmar also even if you have one or two days. We love to see our CKM leaders in Myanmar.
Now our CKM-outreach building is almost done, only we need to build toilets and bath rooms. We will start here church planting, Pre-school and Bible Training also. We are praying and expecting God to move in people's hearts so that we will soon have the vehicle for traveling our convenient transportation,not only for just our church but also for the gospel trips.
Thank you very much for all the prayers, impartation of the anointing and financial support.

Please greet all friends of CKM
Yangon, Myanmar


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