




先知書:以賽亞書27:6-28:13; 29:22-23

*出埃及記2:2. 那女人懷孕,生一個兒子,見他俊美,就藏了他三個月。』



*出埃及記2:3. 後來不能再藏,就取了一個蒲草箱,抹上石漆和石油,將孩子放在裡頭,把箱子擱在河邊的蘆荻中。』

『箱子』的希伯來文是teva (另一個字aron 則是約櫃的櫃子),teva這個字和神吩咐挪亞建造的方舟為同一個字,使他和他一家人都得救。第二個方舟則保護了存留之國的未來領袖,有一位全人類的拯救者將從這國而出,祂的名是耶穌彌賽亞。

*出埃及記2:25, 3:7 -8a. 看顧以色列人,也知道他們的苦情。耶和華說:我的百姓在埃及所受的困苦,我實在看見了;他們因受督工的轄制所發的哀聲,我也聽見了。我原知道他們的痛苦,我下來是要救他們脫離埃及人的手。』

神仍看顧祂的百姓以色列,祂看見他們所受的困苦,聽見他們心中所發的哀聲─祂知道他們的痛苦,於是祂下來拯救他們脫離埃及,領他們『出了那地』,到美好、寬闊、流奶與蜜之地(8節),有一天祂會再次下來拯救他們─還有所有人類脫離罪惡。祂仍知道並看顧他們,還會為了他們再次下來(撒迦利亞書8:3, 12:8, 14:4)。到那日,所有以色列人都會認識祂!『他們各人不再教導自己的鄰舍和自己的弟兄說:你該認識耶和華,因為他們從最小的到至大的都必認識我。我要赦免他們的罪孽,不再記念他們的罪惡。這是耶和華說的』(耶利米書31:34)。


我們在聖經另一處發現同樣講到聖地(希伯來文:adamat hakodesh),在撒迦利亞書二章12-13節:『耶和華必收回猶大作祂聖地的分,也必再揀選耶路撒冷。凡有血氣的都當在耶和華面前靜默無聲;因為祂興起,從聖所出來了。』


*出埃及記3:16b; 4:31. 我實在眷顧(造訪)了你們,我也看見埃及人怎樣待你們。百姓就信了。以色列人聽見耶和華眷顧(造訪)他們,鑒察他們的困苦,就低頭下拜。』


在詩篇8:4大衛表達出對神奇妙眷顧(造訪)的敬畏,『人算什麼,?竟顧念他﹖世人算什麼,?竟眷顧(造訪)他﹖』對那些愛祂、等候造訪的人,神的眷顧(造訪)是生命、救恩與祝福。就算在約伯痛苦折磨時,他說:『?將生命和慈愛賜給我;?也眷顧(?的造訪)保全我的心靈』(約伯記10:12)。但對那些悖逆抵擋神的人,祂的造訪可就沒那麼喜樂了。事實上,在以賽亞書10:3,還有耶利米書許多地方(8:12, 10:15, 11:23等),造訪這個字被翻譯為『降罰』。路加福音19:44看見耶穌為耶路撒冷哭泣,神已經賜下一切『關係她平安的事』,但卻『是隱藏的,叫她的眼看不出來。』(42節)因此,爭戰與毀滅臨到那地,『因她不知道眷顧(造訪)她的時候。』


*出埃及記3:14, 15. 神對摩西說:我是自有永有的;又說:你要對以色列人這樣說:那自有的打發我到你們這裡來。神又對摩西說:你要對以色列人這樣說:耶和華─你們祖宗的神,就是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神,打發我到你們這裡來。耶和華是我的名,直到永遠;這也是我的記念,直到萬代。』




*出埃及記4:2; 19b. 耶和華對摩西說:你手裡是什麼﹖他說:是杖。摩西手裡拿著神的杖。』 神從我們所在之處、所有之物開始,當摩西為他所擁有的來順服神時,一個普通的杖就變成了『神的杖』!

*出埃及記4:22-26. 『你要對法老說:耶和華這樣說:以色列是我的兒子,我的長子。我對你說過:容我的兒子去,好事奉我。你還是不肯容他去。看哪,我要殺你的長子。摩西在路上住宿的地方,耶和華遇見他,想要殺他。西坡拉就拿一塊火石,割下他兒子的陽皮,丟在摩西腳前,說:你真是我的血郎了。這樣,耶和華才放了他。西坡拉說:你因割禮就是血郎了。』







*以賽亞書28:5-6. 『到那日,萬軍之耶和華必作祂餘剩之民的榮冠華冕,也作了在位上行審判者公平之靈,並城門口打退仇敵者的力量。』



馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis



From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel . All texts are those of English translations of the Scriptures.

The readings for this week are called Sh'mot-"Names"-of the children of Israel who came to Egypt .)

TORAH: Exodus 1:1-6:1
HAFTARAH: Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23

*Exodus 2:2. "So the woman conceived and bore a son. And when she saw that he was a beautiful child, she hid him three months." The Hebrew word for "beautiful" and "hid" are the same as the words for "goodness" and "stored up" in Psalm 31:19 (NIV)-"How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you." Through the agency of a godly mother and then God-fearing midwives who had assisted her, this little "goodness" was hidden away-in fact, would be "stored up" in Egypt and Midian for the next 80 years-until being brought forth as leader on behalf of a mighty people who, under his leadership, would learn to fear and take refuge in their God. PLEASE PRAY: For protection of those "goodnesses" of God which are presently hidden away for a time of future release to the Body of Messiah in Israel . Pray for grace to trust that God is storing up goodness on our behalf as we love, fear and trust Him. Pray for courage and Heavenly guidance for believing families in Israel in storing away their children as much as possible in godly home environments before they are released into the near-paganism of many secular Israeli schools.

*Exodus 2:3. "But when she could no longer hide him, she took an ark of bulrushes for him, daubed it with asphalt and pitch, put the child in it, and laid it in the reeds by the river's bank." " Ark " is the Hebrew word teva, a box (A different word aron-"closet", is used for the Ark of the Covenant). The same word teva is used for the ark which God commissioned Noah to build, in which he and all His household were saved. This second ark protected the future leader of a remnant-nation from which would come a deliverer for all people, Yeshua the Messiah.

*Exodus 2:25, 3:7 -8a. "And God looked upon the children of Israel , and God acknowledged them (Hebrew: "and God knew."); "And the LORD said: 'I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their pain. So I have come down to deliver them.'" (Emphasis ours). God still knows His people Israel , He sees oppression against them and hears the cry of their hearts-His knowledge of them includes a fellowship in their pain. He, who came down to deliver them from Egypt and to lead them "up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey" (vs. 8), would one day come down again to deliver them-and all of Humankind-from their sin. He still knows and watches over them-and shall come down on their behalf again (Zechariah 8:3, 12:8, 14:4). By that day all of Israel shall at last know Him! "No more shall every man teach his neighbor and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more" (Jeremiah 31:34).

*Exodus 3:5. "Then He said, 'Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.'" The other place in Scripture where we find this expression "holy ground/-earth/-land" (Hebrew: adamat hakodesh) is Zechariah 2:12-13: "And the LORD will take possession of Judah as His inheritance in the Holy Land, and will again choose Jerusalem . Hush! all flesh, before the LORD, for He is aroused from His holy habitation." PLEASE PRAY: for an awakened sense of the "Holy" in Israel-that we will abstain from "drawing near" carelessly and in the flesh-that we will be sensitive to the sanctity of the very EARTH where holy activity has taken place in the past, and which the Lord is repossessing for His glory today!

*Exodus 3:16b; 4:31(NKJV). ".I have surely visited you and seen what is done to you in Egypt. "."So the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel and that He had looked on their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshiped." Today the Hebrew verb liphkod usually means "to command". However, in Biblical times, it could mean "to attend to/to care for" and often "to visit." Thus, in Genesis 50:24,25 (NKJV), Joseph promises that God "will surely visit" his brothers' descendants in Egypt and bring them out of that land. Here, in Egypt 400 years later, we are told that the time of that "sure visitation" has come. In Psalm 8:4 (NKJV) David expresses awe at the amazing privilege of God visiting us, "What is mortal man that You are mindful of him, and the son of Adam that You visit him?" This visitation is life, salvation and blessing for those who love Him and are waiting for it. Job voiced this, even in the midst of painful affliction, "You have granted me life and favor, and Your visitation has guarded my spirit" (Job 10:12). Yet God's visitation does not come as a joy to those who are in rebellion against Him. In fact, in Isaiah 10:3 and many places in Jeremiah (8:12, 10:15, 11:23, etc.) this same word "visitation" is in the NKJV translated day of "punishment." Luke 19:44 shows Yeshua weeping over Jerusalem . God had sent "all the things which were needed for her peace"-but they were "hidden from her eyes." Consequently, warfare and destruction were coming "because she did not know the time of her visitation." PLEASE PRAY: For a powerful visitation of God in Jerusalem and throughout Israel . Pray for the Body of Messiah here to prepare and long for that visitation. The Apostle Peter left us important instructions regarding this day: "Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation" (I Peter 2:12).

*Exodus 3:14, 15. "And God said to Moses, 'I AM THAT I AM.Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: "YHVH, God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations."'" English translations which read "The LORD God." can be misleading. "Lord" is a title of respect, not a name. The point was that this God had a NAME, one by which He had been known to their fathers 400 years before, but not in a personal intimate way. That name was YHVH (Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh in the Hebrew). It was a personal name given to His people. It would become one of their most precious possessions, and countless psalms spoke of its beauty. But because of Israel 's sin, sometime after the Glory of God's presence departed from the Temple in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 10:1-11:23), the correct pronunciation of the beloved Name was also lost. Today it is normally not attempted to be spoken in Israel; Adonai (a Hebrew name related to the word for "master") is used in its place, or the words Ha Shem-"the Name" (Words such as Yeho'vah, Jehovah, or Yaweh, sometimes utilized in the West, are at best educated guesses. In most English Bibles, LORD (all caps) designates YHVH, Lord (only the beginning letter capitalized) designates Adonai/Master). In Matthew 23:39, Yeshua applied Psalm 118:26 to Himself, telling Jerusalem that she would not see Him again until she said, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of YHVH." Yet the One, Yeshua, who will come again "in that Name", actually already bears it within His own! The name Yeshua (Jesus) is a contracted form of the names YHVH and the Hebrew word for "salvation"-"And she shall bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Yeshua-for He will save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). PLEASE PRAY: For a spirit of grace and supplication to be poured out on the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem-grace to look on the One who was pierced (Zech 12:10-14), and to realize that His holy name YESHUA bears within it the Name and Salvation of the God of their Fathers-that "All who call on the Name of the LORD shall be saved!"

*Exodus 4:2; 19b. "So the LORD said to him (Moses), 'What is that in your hand?' He said, 'A rod."."And Moses took the rod of God in his hand." God begins with us where we are and with what we have. When Moses in obedience yielded to God what he had, the simple rod became transformed into "The Rod of God"!

*Exodus 4:22-26 (Robert Alter: translation). "And you shall say to Pharaoh, 'Thus said the LORD: My son, my firstborn, is Israel . And I said to you, Send off my son that he may worship Me, and you refused to send him off, and, look, I am about to kill your son, your firstborn.' And it happened on the way at the night camp that the LORD encountered him and sought to put him to death. And Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son's foreskin and touched it to his feet, and she said, 'Yes, a bridegroom of blood you are to me.' And He let him go. Then did she say, 'A bridegroom of blood by the circumcising.'" (Robert Alter: translation).

This dark and disturbing passage has perplexed readers over the centuries probably more than any other passage in Exodus. Scholars and theologians have wrestled with its meaning, its implications-What exactly happened? Why? Why is it inserted here? (The meeting of Aaron with Moses in the following verses seems to have taken place before the events of this passage); Are Zipporah's words spoken in anger or submission, and what do they signify? We certainly do not presume to be able to plumb these depths. We would, however, submit for your prayerful consideration the following thoughts:

*In verse 22 a warning is made to Pharaoh in advance about the consequences of a refusal to release Israel ; the last plague did not come unannounced. God considers Israel His "son", his "firstborn"; not releasing him to his Call will result in the death of Pharaoh's own eldest son.

* Is it possible that within this warning to Pharaoh lay also a sober warning to Moses? Circumcision had been solemnly commanded Abraham (Genesis 17:9-14) as a sign of God's covenant with him and his seed. All males in his household and all of their descendants were to be circumcised (17:9). The Hebrew for circumcision means "cut off"; if the foreskin of a son were not cut away, God's covenant had been broken and the very soul (Hebrew: nefesh) of that son would be cut off from the holy purposes destined for this people (17:14). Moses had himself evidently been circumcised (Exodus 2:6); but he had grown up in an Egyptian court and then married a Midianite maiden. Whether at the hesitation of Tziporah or of himself, Gershom, his own firstborn had not been circumcised. Perhaps it went against his Egyptian or her Midianite cultures which they had grown up with. Perhaps it seemed cruel, not the humanitarian thing to do. And certainly neither parent at this time realized the spiritual warfare which was going on behind the scenes. Here was the man chosen by the God of Heaven to fulfill His promise to Abraham-to bring His people of Covenant back to Canaan (Gen 15:13-16). Now Moses, the leader and model, the figurehead, was about to be responsible for causing the covenant to be broken in his own family before even getting started in his mission! It was a terrible but essential lesson to be learned. Even as Pharaoh's refusal to release God's Firstborn (Israel) into its Covenant purposes would necessitate the sacrifice of Pharaoh's own eldest, so Moses refused to release Gershom into his Covenant purposes through circumcision would necessitate that firstborn also being "cut off".

*It is a difficult thing for any father to submit his son to the pain and bloodshed of being cut-although in reality, this was a relatively minor wounding symbolic of something far greater. Ultimately, the Heavenly-Father would send His one and only-His "Firstborn" Son to be "cut off" (Isaiah 3:8; Daniel 9:26). In his wounding would come healing for all humankind, the putting to death of sinful flesh, and a New Covenant initiated in His blood. PLEASE PRAY: For realization amongst Jews that they are still a Covenant People whom God loves and is drawing in lovingkindness. That a New Covenant has been made for them in the Blood of the Messiah Yeshua.

*ISAIAH 28:5-6. "In that day the LORD of Armies will be for a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty to the remnant of His people, for a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate."

PLEASE PRAY: For the "remnant of His people" who have returned to the Land of Israel , that there awaken within them a longing for the One who rules in glorious majesty and the beauty of holiness. Pray for Justice fueled by the Holy Spirit to characterize Israel 's civil government.and courage and strength her military. Pray for the "remnant-within-a-remnant" of the Body of Messiah in Israel-for the Messianic Jewish and Christian Arab community, that it become recognized for its fairness and righteous judgment-and that it become tempered and prepared in the weapons of its warfare in the Holy Spirit, so as to recognize and turn back the battle at the gates!

Martin & Norma Sarvis

[The Torah and Haftarah portions for next week, Va'Era ("And I Appeared"-to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El Shaddai) will be: TORAH: Exodus 6:2-9:35; HAFTARAH: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21]





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