



































下週的閱讀進度包括(9/26)歡慶妥拉節:妥拉─申命記33:1-34:12 & 創世記 1:1-2:3;先知書─約書亞記1:1-18;(9/28)起初:妥拉─創世記1:1-6:8;先知書─以賽亞書42:5-43:10。

馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis


大使命Part 36











(摘自喬納 word for the week, Week 36, 2013)


This week's Torah Portion:

From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world. This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arri ved in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets. We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God's Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel. All texts are those of English translations of the Scriptures.

Since the eight days ofSukkotextend over a Sabbath, a specialParashahis read on the weekend, and there are also a number of other readings read during the festival week. Among these, the following are especially significant:

1stDay of Sukkot

(19 September 2013)


Leviticus 22:26-23:44
Numbers 29:12-16


Zechariah 14:1-21

2ndDay of Sukkot

(20 September 2013)


I Kings 8:2-21

DuringSukkotit is customary to read

(The Book ofEcclesiastes)


Hallel(High Praise)Psalms
(Psalms 113-118)
21 September 2013

??? ??? ?????

(Shabbat Chol haMoed-Sabbath falling within the Festival)


Exodus 33:12-34:26
Numbers 29:17-22


Ezekiel 38:18-39:16

It is significant that theHaftarahreadings for bo th the first day of Sukkot and for the following Sabbath include calamitous occurrences of the last days when nations will unite to come against Israel. In the holy, divine judgments released at that time, the LORD".will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am YHVH, the Holy OneinIsrael(Ezekiel 39:7; Emphasis ours). Israel will come to know the holy name of her God in her midst (Yeshua-a name which historically most of Israel has refused to know, means "Yehovah Saves")-and nations will be required to acknowledge that this Holy One still chooses to identify Himself with and in the land and people of Israel. The Zechariah passage teaches that this acknowledgment will be exemplified by the nations coming annually to Jerusalem to participate in theFeast of Sukkot(Zechariah 14:16-19).

As a prophetic anticipation of this, the streets of Jerusalem are filled each year with thousands of believers from the nations joining together in various places to worship, praise and to pray.


*For prot ection of Israel during this week of rejoicing-both of native Israelis and of those who are joining us for the Feast. Pray for powerful praise to be released and for God to grant prophetic insight for those with ears to hear what His Spirit is saying to the congregations.

*That Israelis discover that in order truly to "rejoice before the LORD for seven days", they must come first into relationship with the One who came that their "joy might be full".

*For God's presence to be in the"sukkot"of Messianic believers where many will have their devotions during this week. Many will also invite their neighbors to pay a visit there.

*For safety and a great blessing over all the believers from the Nations who are coming up to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast this week. Pray that they release what God would have them release-and receive what He would have them receive while they are here. Pray for understanding and graciousness on behalf of Israelis to welcome and be thankful for their presence here at this time.

*Many Jews follow a mystical Jewish tradition which demands hospitality: during this festival the spirits of various Pa triarchs are said to sometimes arrive as visitors (ushpazin) to thesukkotof the faithful (This is in some ways not unlike the admonition to early Messianic believers, that they"not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it"(Hebrews 13:2).


That this week the awakening and convicting Holy Spirit of Yeshua(whom the Patriarchs themselves longed to see)will visit many Jews in their sukkot throughout the world!

Martin and Norma Sarvis

[The readings for next week will include (26 September)Simchat-Torah: TORAH: Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12 & Genesis 1:1-2:3; HAFTARAH: Joshua 1:1-18; and (28 September)Beresheet-"In the Beginning.": TORAH: Genesis 1:1-6:8; HAFTARAH: Isaiah 42:5-43:10]


Understanding One Another - The Great Commission, Part 36

Week 36, 2013

Rick Joyner

Even with the great increase of knowledge the world is now experiencing, there is not much understanding. Understanding means to “stand under” someone else’s situation, to put ourselves in their place. This comes mostly from learning to become a good listener, which is also very rare. Yet if we are going to fulfill The Great Commission to make disciples, we must be able to reach people where they are. We can’t teach first graders geometry, and we will lose senior citizens if we try to teach geometry to them. Therefore, to make disciples, or students, we must be discerning of where people are and what is next for them to learn. This takes understanding.

One example of this is how many Christians fail to understand why non-believers put so much of their faith and hope in government. Without faith in God, there is no place else for people to put their trust. So we should not be surprised by those who see the government as the answer to their problems. Because no human government is capable of bearing the weight of such trust, neither should we be surprised by the rising lawlessness that arises when people learn that their government cannot be trusted.

At our Hurricane Katrina relief base, we witnessed the helplessness of those who were accustomed to having the government provide for their needs. This helplessness gave way to gripping fear, and then the fear quickly turned into an insane rage, to the point that they even began to shoot at their rescuers.

We became engaged in the Katrina relief because I received a word from the Lord that we needed to experience what was happening there in order to understand the times. We got an education very fast. In that situation you could look at any group and quickly detect which ones worked for a living and which ones depended on the government. The difference was striking.

Those who worked for a living were usually amazingly resourceful and seemed to quickly get engaged in helping others even though they had their own losses. One of my greatest heroes of this tragedy was an elderly black man who came staggering into our base one night. Everyone thought he was drunk, but he had not been drinking. He had been caught offshore working on one of the oil rigs during the storm and had just gotten home to find that his family had been killed and everything he own washed away. He was drunk with grief. This had to be the worst thing that anyone could experience in life, but within a couple of days, he was helping in the kitchen, unloading trucks, and even trying to console others. He would stop at times to just cry for a few minutes and then carry on serving others. I still think of this humble elderly man when I think of true nobility.

In striking contrast to this, those who came to our base who depended on the government were some of the most obnoxious, demanding people imaginable. They could become outraged if they did not get their demands met immediately, or if they were asked to do anything like help serve meals or unload a truck. That is when I began to understand how the entitlement mentality that has been fostered by governments around the world would ultimately result in unprecedented lawlessness. No earthly government will be able to meet the needs of all their people the way they are now trying to do. An ultimate disappointment and disillusionment with government is coming.

Even psychology has determined that a human being will go insane if deprived of meaningful labor. Charity is a crucial aspect of the Christian life, but charity was always meant to be people helping people, whereas institutional charity dehumanizes people. How is it that so few seem to understand that our present welfare system puts the people we claim to be helping into a terrible bondage from which few are able to escape? It is right to help those who cannot help themselves, but it is wrong to give to those who can work and yet refuse to.

Why are we discussing this in relation to The Great Commission? The government of God is not going to be a welfare state. The Apostle Paul said that if we are not willing to work then we should not be allowed to eat (see II Thessalonians 3:10). Sounds harsh, but this is far more compassionate than making people codependent.

Governments are going to start melting like wax as we are told in Psalm 97. We need to be prepared for this. However, churches that try to become people’s source will fail just like socialist governments inevitably fail. A lot of Christian charity and missions is just as foolish and destructive as socialism. We are not called to become people’s source, but to lead them to the Source. No one will be saved because they know someone who has faith. They must have their own faith in God. Our goal must be to help people walk by faith, not depend on us.


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